Member Spotlight

Payton Keough on Passion, Perseverance, and Progress in Climbing

It’s time for our next Member Spotlight feature! Get ready to meet another awesome member of our gym community. You may already be familiar with Payton Keough, but we've got some exciting insights to share from him that you won't want to miss! Enjoy our interview with Payton below.

What initially drew you to rock climbing, and how has your perception of the sport changed over time?

I was initially drawn to rock climbing from the adventurous aspect of it. I went out for a weekend for an outdoor climbing course that was available at the college I was attending and I was immediately hooked. My perspective on climbing hasn’t changed much over the last couple of years of climbing. I have always loved personal growth, overcoming challenges, and the adventure and problem-solving aspects of climbing.

Can you share a moment when you felt a significant breakthrough in your climbing abilities? What led to that moment?

The moment where I felt the most significant breakthrough in my climbing was when I started outdoor bouldering. For the first two years of climbing I primarily sport climbed and worked my way through the grades to about 5.12c, and I got to a period of time where I wasn’t progressing as fast. I found myself with a different schedule than many of my friends and I started bouldering in our area. I went from v4 to v10 in a couple of months and built a ton of strength that I didn’t have before. Leading to the moment was the amount of time I spent climbing. I was climbing consistently 4-5 days a week and had a lot of technical skills built up, but lacked strength– and outdoor bouldering taught me how to try hard and use the techniques I had learned.

How has climbing helped you overcome personal challenges or fears? Can you share a specific example?

When I first started climbing I was in a place where I was very lost in life. I had just stopped wrestling in college and left the school that I was attending, and I didn’t know what I was doing in my life. I started climbing and it was a way for me to continue to seek personal growth when I was at a place of feeling stagnant.

What is the most memorable climb you've done at our gym, and why does it stand out to you?

The most memorable climb I've done in the gym was the first v10+ that I did. It took me several sessions and wasn’t in a style that I was good at. This was a moment when I realized the progression and strength that I had gained from climbing in the gym.

What important lessons have you learned from climbing that you apply to your daily life?

I think the biggest lesson that I have learned from climbing is that fear only has power over you when you let it. My first time rock climbing I was terrified, and thought rock climbing wasn’t for me. But I tried it a second time the next day. I was immediately hooked, and knew this was something I never wanted to stop doing. Through climbing, I learned that being afraid is a normal response but you don’t have to let that control you. You can choose your actions even when you are afraid. This has applied to my life in my job working at a hospital, where a patient may be in critical condition and I may be stressed and afraid of what may happen, but I can keep my composure and do what needs to be done despite how I may be feeling.

How has climbing influenced your perspective on failure and success?

Rock climbing has solidified my perspective that success takes hard work and determination and if you put enough time and effort into something you can succeed. I wanted to become good at rock climbing and I put countless hours into training technique and strength and went from climbing 5.9 to 5.13 in three years, and went from starting bouldering at v4 to v10 in less than a year.

Have you had any mentors or climbing partners who have significantly impacted your journey? What have you learned from them?

My brother Mason has been my main climbing partner from when we first started climbing, and he has had a big impact on my climbing journey. He has always been there to push me, support me, and grow with me, and has shown me true friendship and how to trust someone with your life. He is an inspiration for overcoming hardship and challenges and not letting tragedy dictate your future.

How has your physical health and fitness changed since you started climbing?

My physical health and fitness haven't changed that much since I started climbing. I came into climbing right after competing in college wrestling where I was in the best shape of my life, and while I am probably not as fit as I once was, with climbing I definitely put on more muscle in my arms and back.

In what ways has climbing affected your mental health and overall well-being?

Rock climbing has played a huge role in my mental health. It has been my outlet for exercise which is incredibly beneficial to mental health but it has also been my escape, a time when I can relax and let go of the stresses and challenges of my week and be in the moment enjoying nature and doing what I love.

How has being part of the climbing community at our gym enriched your life?

Being a part of the climbing community has greatly enriched my life. It has been somewhere I have grown friendships, made new friends, and had support in times of need.

Have you ever considered giving up climbing? If so, what kept you going?

Nope, I am crazy about climbing and over the years I've only become more psyched and passionate about it. I plan on climbing until I'm no longer able to walk up stairs.

What are your future goals in climbing, and how do you plan to achieve them?

The future goal I have for climbing is to always continue to improve and get better at the sport. In bouldering, it is to climb v13, and sport climbing to climb 5.14.

What advice would you give to someone new to climbing or considering taking it up?

The advice that I would give to the beginner climber would be to spend as much time climbing as they can. Climb on different types of rocks, at different gyms, and don’t be afraid to try hard. Climbing is a technique-based sport, and there is a certain level at which you will stop improving without the proper technique.

How do you stay motivated to keep improving and pushing your limits in climbing?

I just love climbing. I think about climbing, dream about climbing, and spend my free moments climbing. I haven't had trouble staying motivated because I'm just so psyched about all things climbing.

What’s your favorite climbing memory from the past year?

My favorite climbing memory from last year was watching my brother, who had been in an accident and lost his fingers, send a 5.11d. The first thing he did when I saw him in the hospital after the accident was hold up his mangled hand and say I'm never going to send 5.13a. I was heartbroken in that moment for him, but I saw his determination to improve despite his accident and in a couple of months he was able to climb 5.11d. He wanted to call it quits as he was trying it, and I pushed him to keep trying, and he was able to send it. It brought me so much joy when I saw him clip the chains.

If you could describe your climbing journey in one word, what would it be and why?

Passion. Since the first day I started climbing I was absolutely obsessed. I watched every climbing video I could find and was climbing every day that I could make it out. And I still am so passionate about climbing. It has been such an amazing thing in my life and I always can't wait till the next day I get to go out climbing.

Thank you Payton for sharing your story with us! We’re grateful for your presence in our community.

You can read more member spotlight interviews here. You can also connect with our amazing community on Instagram or in-person at the gym! Visit the link below for our current classes and events schedule.


Local Climbing Spots: Q’emiln Park


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