Get Ready to Climb: Announcing Our New Adult Climbing League

What is the climbing league?

Climbing League is a team-oriented, 6-week climbing competition hosted by Coeur Climbing Company. Teams of 3-4 will compete against one another on the newest boulders, earning points for each successful climb.

What can I win?

Winners for the week earn:

  • Beer tokens for Post Falls Brewery

Overall winners over the course of the six weeks win:

  • Bragging rights over their more plebeian counterparts :)

  • Complimentary memberships for the following month! 

  • A custom Coeur Climbing Co beanie

Who can join?

Anyone can compete, from members to non-members! Additionally, all boulders, regardless of grade, are assigned the same point value. This effectively institutes a handicap system to ensure all climbers can compete fairly, regardless of skill level.

In this system, climbers can earn points for climbs that are one grade below their current “Onsight” grade (hardest grade you can flash with no prior knowledge) and higher. The primary objective here is to challenge yourself and push beyond your limits, focusing on testing your skill and technique rather than just your endurance.

This approach encourages participation from everyone, allowing climbers to challenge themselves and still contribute to their team's success. Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced climber, this setup promotes skill development and teamwork, making the league accessible and enjoyable for all.

What is the league format?

The league will take place at Coeur Climbing Company on Thursday evenings from 5pm to close, from February 27th to April 3rd. Specifically, each week’s competition will take place on the two newest boulder walls/sets.

When is the start date, and how long does it last?

The first day will be on February 27th: we want to push the beginning of the Adult League in conjunction with the launch of the routesetting software from KAYA. This will allow competitors to more easily track their scores. Once the league begins, it will last for six weeks.

How do I sign up?

Sign-ups can be facilitated through the front desk, either in-person or over the phone. If you’re concerned about finding teammates, don’t worry! Let our front desk staff know, and they’ll do their best to connect you with other interested climbers.

What are the costs?

Current members of the gym can register for Adult League with a one-time $20 payment. Non-members interested in participating can acquire a special punch pass for just $120. This pass will provide access to the gym for all six Thursdays of the League, and cover the league fee, allowing you to join the fun and competition!

Who will lead or facilitate the league?

Adult League will be facilitated by our gym staff. Scoresheets operate on an honor system, and completed climbs must be marked off by another competitor.

Why should I join?

Joining the Coeur Adult Climbing League is a great way to enhance your climbing skills while enjoying a supportive community. You'll challenge yourself in a friendly competitive environment, make new friends, and share your passion for climbing. Plus, it’s a perfect opportunity to unwind and celebrate your achievements with a cold brew after climbing sessions. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or just starting, the league offers fun, camaraderie, and the chance to score some great prizes! Don't miss out on this exciting experience!

What happens if I miss a week?

If a climber misses a week, they can still participate in subsequent sessions without penalty. However, they will not earn points for any climbs they miss during that week, which may have an impact on their team's overall score. Non-members who purchased the special punch pass will be comped a day pass for use anytime.

Adult league is a great opportunity to catch up with teammates and share experiences, as the league focuses on enjoyment, growth, and community. If you're unable to attend, just let your team know so they can strategize accordingly for the next session!

Ready to join? Visit or give us a call!

Coeur Climbing Staff

The Coeur Climbing team is passionate about fostering a welcoming and supportive climbing community. With diverse expertise in climbing, fitness, and wellness, our staff is dedicated to helping climbers of all levels achieve their goals—whether you're just starting out or pushing your limits. Stay tuned for tips, stories, and updates from the heart of Coeur Climbing!


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